Midlife Turmoil Anyone?
An overshare from me. I'm hoping to achieve meaningful connections with people who appreciate honesty and vulnerability because I can't pretend to be perfect.
Healing Midlife Turmoil.
Hi, my name is Jane. I am a mixed bag of all sorts. Primarily a wife and mother of 3, it's difficult to not let that define me because they envelop every part of me, it seems. This journey has been a tricky one. I have found the past couple of years the most difficult, trying to accept failures, ignoring PTSD, downplaying my grief, and being overwhelmed with frustration. Lots of big sighs and concentrating on my breath wasn’t cutting it. In truth, my life was no longer in alignment with my core values. I no longer identified with who I was anymore.
I have always sought out meaningful connections and shudder at superficial meaningless drivel. I am blunt, honest and I don’t make friends lightly.
What I have found in recent times is I am not alone in this quintessential existential crisis. A lot of people close to me are drowning in our current climate of meaninglessness. Money problems, housing problems, health problems, the cost of living hikes, and the list goes on. Our society is at breaking point. I used to be an adventurous nature-loving Waldorf homeschooling healer, who now finds myself in a place I despise, unable to afford to homeschool or attend a Steiner School because we can’t afford it. My children have had to adapt to mainstream schooling whilst we all try to fit into a mainstream lifestyle and it’s soul-sucking. Whilst trying to remain grateful for what we do have.
I started The Nature Table many moons ago, and then stopped because I felt like a fraud! What was the point of all of this if my kids can’t be educated the way I want them to be and I can’t live where I want them to live? Two years of wishing for a different life? Wow… it was exhausting.
This is when I realized for this to change, I first need to let myself off the hook. I need to be able to look past this unfortunate predicament, see past my messes, and ignore all the failures. Begin to embrace my imperfections and bring the rhythm back into my life. Reconnecting with nature, grounding myself. Looking after myself and spending time with people who support me. To believe in a better way. Honouring my own personal boundaries and giving myself permission to slow down and do the things that bring my family joy. Practice my spirituality and rediscover the inner peace required to accept the life decisions that have brought me here.
I forgot that Crafting and art help me find inner peace. It enables me to forget my grief and pain. It helps me heal my scars and process my traumas. My garden and my art are my medicine. I make things to heal my heart and my old wounds. I make things to reconnect with my mother and mother nature so that I feel whole again.
I now accept that I am not a fraud, I am doing my best to be the happiest with what I have. I hope to inspire my children to fight for what they believe in. I want them to honour their own individual values even if they do feel alone in them.
I hope I help heal what ails those that cross my path and create true connections. I believe this is my purpose and it helps create meaning amongst all of the chaos that surrounds us all, no matter where we are on our journey.
So please take a look at the art and natural offerings we have for you, I hope you find something that sings to your heart and brings you joy.
With love and light,